Trenque Lauquen

Trenque Lauquen

Score: 9 / 10

Starring: Verónica Llinás, Rafael Spregelburd, Laura Paredes
Running Time: 120 minutes

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Trenque Lauquen movie reviews

  • 9

    Trenque Lauquen

    Friday, July 21, 2023 4:21:37 PM | (Age Not Specified)

    The film starts with a mystery of a missing botanist named Laura. Her self-centered boyfriend Rafael (Rafael Spregelburd) is also the chair of a university department that is recruiting her; her friend Ezequiel (Ezequiel Pierri) is closer to her age and lives in a town, Trenque Lauquen, where she has been finishing up a sort of post-doc fellowship. In fact, she's finished her project, but instead of returning to Buenos Aires and Rafael, Laura has vanished, abandoning Ezequiel’s car at a remote service station with the cryptic note "Farewell, farewell; I'm leaving, I'm leaving."