The Face of Love

The Face of Love

Score: 9 / 10

Release Date: April 18, 2014 - Toronto, Montreal, Vancouver, Ottawa, Waterloo
Director: Arie Posin
Producer: Bonnie Curtis, Julie Lynn
Studio: Mongrel Media
Starring: Robin Williams, Ed Harris, Annette Bening, Amy Brenneman, Jess Weixler
Genre: Drama
Running Time: 92 minutes

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The Face of Love movie reviews

  • 9

    The Face of Love

    Monday, June 30, 2014 11:06:22 PM | (age group: 18-24) | F

    I ended up seeing this film totally by accident! By the trailer it didn't seem like it would be that interesting to me. But! Be long and behold it was awesome! This movie had be on my toes every second wondering what was going to happen next! If you have the change see it, your missing out on a pretty unique and interesting film.