Star Wars: The Last Jedi

Star Wars: The Last Jedi

Score: 5.67 / 10

Release Date: December 15, 2017
Director: Rian Johnson
Producer: Kathleen Kennedy, Ram Bergman
Studio: Walt Disney Pictures
Starring: Mark Hamill, Carrie Fisher, Adam Driver, Daisy Ridley, John Boyega, Oscar Isaac, Lupita Nyong'o, Andy Serkis, Domhnall Gleeson, Anthony Daniels, Gwendoline Christie, Kelly Marie Tran, Laura Dern, Benicio Del Toro, Jimmy Vee
Genre: Action
Running Time: 152 minutes

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Star Wars: The Last Jedi movie reviews

  • 1

    Star Wars: The Last Jedi

    Monday, January 29, 2018 7:01:44 AM | (Age Not Specified)

    This movie will end the love of the franchise for a lot of people and will eventually put fans of the series to the test, whether or not they will go see or buy anything that has the Star Wars logo printed on it. As a fan of the movies, books, comics, etc. this film got a lot of things very wrong. Now, fans are left wondering how the force or physics in the galaxy far, far away are even supposed to work. The Last Jedi destroys the hero of the series, makes the end result of episode 7 seem pointless, and manages to really back the franchise in a corner by implying that there will be no more Jedi, which is a major drawback to the future of interest in this galaxy. At first watch I think people will be entertained by this film but not long after the show is over it is far too easy to find glaring mistakes in the plot that are infuriating to any hardcore fan.

  • 2

    Star Wars: The Last Jedi

    Monday, January 29, 2018 6:58:34 AM | (Age Not Specified)

    Fails on every front. The rare few frames that are good cannot make up for the 2.5hr snorefest that not only meanders like a herd of cats, but gives the legacy of Stars Wars the finger so often that it feels deliberate. It is an affront to logic & good storytelling. I want my money back.

  • 2

    Star Wars: The Last Jedi

    Monday, January 29, 2018 6:57:30 AM | (Age Not Specified)

    The last star wars movie I'll see in theaters. Awful male characters, they changed how the force works, Luke felt unfamiliar as a character, and it seemed like they wanted to duplicate the feel of Battlestar Galatica by having a small band of military running from a larger, inescapable force, while slowly running out of resources. First film I've left angry.

  • 3

    Star Wars: The Last Jedi

    Monday, January 29, 2018 6:56:28 AM | (Age Not Specified)

    The only reasons I am even giving this movie any points are because Luke was there and for the visually arresting fight and battle scenes. This movie trolled fans from beginning to end. Fans go into a movie expecting a general direction. For example, you watch Return of the King (3rd LOTR movie) expecting Frodo to finish destroying the ring. The Last Jedi is like Frodo saying forget it, forget that we all agreed to form the fellowship, nothing matters, I'm going home, the end. They seemed so obsessed with subverting audience expectations. Instead of trying to exceed audience expectations to deliver an amazing movie, they instead chose to go the opposite direction of what fans want. I'm no marketing expert, but creating a product designed to piss off your customers seems like a bad idea. And then they go blaming the customers for being haters and idiots for not liking the crap they were trying to sell.

  • 1

    Star Wars: The Last Jedi

    Monday, January 29, 2018 6:53:51 AM | (Age Not Specified)

    Shockingly bad. Best could be said is that the screenplay was written to promote the sell of cheap Disney after-market merchandise. The movie itself isn't even worth reviewing. It unceremoniously ends the franchise.

  • 1

    Star Wars: The Last Jedi

    Monday, January 29, 2018 6:52:54 AM | (Age Not Specified)

    Rian Johnson is going to desecrate Star Wars and then go on to make his own trilogy. Well guess what? The joke is going to be on him when his new trilogy comes out and so few people show up that it absolutely bombs. Last Jedi can be summed up in one scene at the very beginning of the movie: Luke tosses the lightsaber over his back. There was so much in this movie that was blatantly irreverent. I feel sorry for the director who has to try and pick up the pieces with episode 9 because, unlike episode 7, I really don't see what could happen next, nor do I really have a desire to.

  • 2

    Star Wars: The Last Jedi

    Monday, January 29, 2018 6:51:57 AM | (Age Not Specified)

    Yes, it's as bad as you've heard. Other reviewers have deconstructed the film and highlighted its many flaws so I won't retread the same ground. But perhaps I can add this: More than any of The Last Jedi's structural flaws - e.g., narrative and character dissonance - to me the most heartbreaking aspect of the film is its underlying cynicism, both in its worldview and its message. It tells us there is no such thing as good and evil (it's all just shades of grey) and that those who seek moral clarity are on the wrong side of history. It tells us that "hero worship" is wrong and should be avoided because our heroes (like Luke Skywalker and Han Solo before him) will inevitably fail and let us down. It tells us that the past needs to be 'killed' because it's useless, serving no purpose other than as a lesson of what not to do. It tells us that anyone can achieve greatness, not through hard work, effort and sacrifice but through rejecting one's culture, traditions, institutions, and heritage. It tells us that laying down one's life for another is wrong because that's tantamount to hate and killing who and what one loves. It tells us that we can learn absolutely nothing about our identity from our parents, even though our parents conceived, nurtured and brought us into the world. I can't think of a message more antithetical to "Star Wars" - the Star Wars George Lucas created all those years ago (post-Kennedy, post-Vietnam, post-Watergate) than that. And it just breaks my heart.

  • 1

    Star Wars: The Last Jedi

    Monday, January 29, 2018 6:50:44 AM | (Age Not Specified)

    When you read all the different reviews for The Last Jedi they can be somewhat confusing. Easiest way to make sense of them and figure out how it really rates as a movie to to simply pay attention to the way that postive reviews are written. You will see a LOT of "Didn't make sense but LOVED it" and "There were tons of odd moments that made me cringe but GREAT film". Ask yourself why even all the positive reviews of 8,9 and even 10 tell you how awkward it was and how they are 'taking a new direction' with the series in this 'turning point' film. Those are the kindest possible terms for a movie that took a massive steaming dump on all the things we loved about Star Wars prior to this. Heroes? All of the things you thought you knew about the Lore and Characters will be completely washed away by the end of the film. Is Luke a brave hero who risked his life to save his father or a broken, selfish and cowardly vagrant? if you believe the former prepare to be disappointed and confused. To keep this spoiler free I will not be listing all of the times this film make me confused,angry and hurt. Read the reviews yourself and you'll see the truth.

  • 1

    Star Wars: The Last Jedi

    Monday, January 29, 2018 6:49:20 AM | (Age Not Specified)

    If you are a fan stay away. This movie breaks then kills your childhood all in a 2 1/2 hour time frame. If you are not a fan, this movie kills you brain because of the so many plot holes and it disregards to logic. This movie was made for the SJW, every woman was a Mary Sue and every male was dumb or a coward. Men bad, woman perfect was all this movie had just beating down their Kathleen Kennedy ideology. Like I said, if you are a fan of Star Wars than you have been warned. Disney is not taking care of the franchise.

  • 2

    Star Wars: The Last Jedi

    Monday, January 29, 2018 6:47:52 AM | (Age Not Specified)

    Absolute mess. Cringy as.... Contagious marvel core plots destroying all good films. I don't need to laugh every 3 mins, I don't want to feel like everything is a joke.