Someone Like You

Someone Like You

Score: 10 / 10

Release Date: March 30, 2001
Director: Tony Goldwyn
Producer: Lynda Obst
Studio: 20th Century Fox
Starring: Marisa Tomei, Greg Kinnear, Ashley Judd, Ellen Barkin, Hugh Jackman, Harold Perrineau
Genre: Comedy
Running Time: 97 minutes

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Someone Like You movie reviews

  • 10

    Someone Like You

    Sunday, April 28, 2024 9:46:44 PM | (Age Not Specified)

    Such a well done, emotional and wholesome movie.

  • 10

    Someone Like You

    Friday, January 29, 2010 5:24:19 PM | (Age Not Specified)

    pretty good movie a girl who's single moves in with a real cute guy but there just friends well until atthe end she ends up with him which is really romantic and Ashly Judds hair is great in the movie just like my hair short and easy to style love the hair and nice movie oh and the girl thats her friend is really beautiful i believe the actress is Marisa Tomei from What Women Want she's real pretty cool movie

  • Someone Like You

    Sunday, November 6, 2005 7:04:05 PM | (Age Not Specified)

    Hugh Jackman is drop dead gorgeous.

  • Someone Like You

    Friday, February 25, 2005 6:37:37 PM | (Age Not Specified)

    Okay, so it`s formulaic `girl takes a while to see the person she should be with all along`, but it was the first time in a long while that a `chic-flick` moved me to tears, for all the right reasons. Very touching!

  • Someone Like You

    Friday, August 1, 2003 10:33:37 AM | (age group: 25-34) | F

    I loved it.

  • Someone Like You

    Wednesday, August 28, 2002 10:11:54 AM | (age group: 18-24) | F

    I loved Marisa Tomei and Ashley Judd.they are so wonderful.I just love that movie