

Score: 4.6 / 10

Release Date: April 14, 2020
Director: William Eubank
Producer: Jenno Topping, Peter Chernin, Tonia Davis
Studio: 20th Century Fox
Starring: Kristen Stewart, Vincent Cassel, Jessica Henwick, John Gallagher Jr., Mamoudou Athie, T.J. Miller
Genre: Action/Adventure
Running Time: 95 minutes

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Underwater movie reviews

  • 7


    Thursday, January 23, 2020 2:16:09 PM | (Age Not Specified)

    My rating would be 3.5 stars but I rounded up since it's closer to four stars than three. POSITIVES: Great production design, fast moving, reasonably suspenseful with a few jumps here and there, underwater aliens looked pretty cool, good special effects, and running time was just right for this kind of movie. The makers knew what they wanted to accomplish in making a fast paced underwater adventure/horror movie and jumped right to it. So yes, for those who love movies that spend a lot of extra time on character development or who are looking for award-winning performances, this won't be for you. Not that the acting was bad or anything (at least I didn't think so), but this is not a character-driven movie, it is a situation-driven movie. NEGATIVES: Could have done more with the cool sets they built, and the soundtrack was too overbearing. There was almost always some kind of dramatic music playing and I felt like I was watching a Michael Bay movie at times. I think some moments of actual silence would have helped build the feeling of suspense and isolation. And yes, there are definitely some comparisons that can be made to the Alien movies and to previous underwater monster movies like Leviathan and Deepstar Six, but so what? I remember when Star Wars first came out and for at least 20 years afterwards every new space movie that came out was labelled as a Star Wars ripoff (except the Star Trek movies, which had their own legacy to build on). Anyway, you either like these kind of movies or you don't. I personally like them, so I enjoyed Underwater.

  • 7


    Tuesday, January 21, 2020 9:40:09 PM | (Age Not Specified)

    Starts quickly with an action wow and it's off to the races. Solid small compact movie, nothing great and noble here, but very well-done. Good story, quickly paced, never boring, and Stewart is the heart. She makes this thing worth watching.

  • 1


    Tuesday, January 21, 2020 3:26:47 PM | (Age Not Specified)

    Waterlogged film is painfully derivative. Tiresome and cliche. No real surprise or suspense, and Stewart gives her usual terrible performance. It's like she's campaigning for a Razzie lifetime achievement award.

  • 3


    Monday, January 20, 2020 10:12:24 PM | (Age Not Specified)

    The usual remake. Somewhat ok.

  • 2


    Monday, January 20, 2020 10:40:40 AM | (Age Not Specified)

    Unoriginal and boring. I was counting the minutes.

  • 2


    Sunday, January 19, 2020 2:32:04 PM | (Age Not Specified)

    It's absolutely terrible. It's also laughable that someone said this was "original" (!). This is likely the one millionth rip-off of ALIEN. And Stewart is a horrendous (natch).

  • 8


    Saturday, January 18, 2020 11:23:28 PM | (Age Not Specified)

    Not a bad flick , it has some good action and some good jump scenes , but in my opinion it could've used a bit of back story , and some character development . It has a bunch of characters that you don't know who they are, or why , or where they are. You just get the drift they are underwater ( hence the title ) and some kind of shit hits the fan . Also the dialogue seemed a bit low and muffled to me , kind of hard to make out what they were saying at times . All in all not bad , not great IMO .

  • 8


    Friday, January 17, 2020 11:00:39 AM | (Age Not Specified)

    Better than I thought it would be, good filming, creepy, a few good thrills. Enjoyed it for what it was.

  • 4


    Thursday, January 16, 2020 4:50:16 PM | (Age Not Specified)

    Definitely a sci-fi thriller, and very imaginative. Refreshing to see something new and different, Hollywood is getting repetitive with there remakes. Quite predictable though. Time spent out of the cold anyway.

  • 10


    Wednesday, January 15, 2020 9:39:51 PM | (Age Not Specified)

    Loved this movie. Absolutely a thrill ride from start to finish. Boggles my mind how some can dislike it so much. People, what were you expecting this movie was about? It is a horror scifi. Not a romance. Had good acting, amazing visuals, fantastic design and was original. I am an Alien nerd. It's my #1 movie of all time. This movie is not a rip off of Alien just because there are similarities. People flock to all the remakes, sequels, reboots and prequals that Disney puts out, yet can't even try to enjoy a really well made, original scifi horror. Too bad, cause it deserves better than the hate it is getting. This movie deserves to be seen on big screen. Trust me.