Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets

Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets

Score: 9 / 10

Release Date: November 15, 2002
Director: Chris Columbus
Producer: David Heyman
Studio: Warner Bros. Pictures
Starring: Daniel Radcliffe, Emma Watson, Rupert Grint, Kenneth Branagh, John Cleese, Robbie Coltrane, Warwick Davis, Richard Griffiths, Richard Harris, Jason Isaacs, Alan Rickman, Fiona Shaw, Maggie Smith, Julie Walters, Toby Jones, Bonnie Wright, Christian Coulson
Genre: Fantasy
Running Time: 160 minutes

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Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets movie reviews

  • Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets

    Saturday, November 23, 2002 10:56:39 AM | (age group: 2-17) | F

    it,s a nice movie

  • Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets

    Saturday, November 23, 2002 10:34:39 AM | (age group: 2-17) | F


  • Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets

    Saturday, November 23, 2002 3:01:03 AM | (Age Not Specified)

    A darker picture than the first, this film has the advantage of a more aggressive and thus relatable protagonist. Special effects are well done, some further characterization is given to many of the characters, and the story line generally does not suspend logic, except on the rare occasion when the Masters ought to be more involved - in other words, sometimes the young students are alittle too independant for credibility in situations where the Masters obviously know what is going on. However, on the whole a very enjoyable film. One can only lament the laughable waste of Maggie Smith`s talent on a thankless and so far underdeveloped stock ch

  • Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets

    Saturday, November 23, 2002 1:55:46 AM | (age group: 2-17) | F


  • Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets

    Friday, November 22, 2002 11:22:20 PM | (age group: 2-17) | F

    it was a great movie but i have a question you know the blonde guy from Slithin? who has the father with the long blonde hair what is his name in real life? could you please email me back and let me know * very important*the son not the father

  • Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets

    Friday, November 22, 2002 11:13:38 PM | (age group: 2-17) | M

    it sucks

  • Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets

    Friday, November 22, 2002 9:20:05 PM | (age group: 18-24) | F


  • Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets

    Friday, November 22, 2002 8:48:10 PM | (age group: 2-17) | F

    it was tops:))

  • Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets

    Friday, November 22, 2002 6:47:53 PM | (age group: 2-17) | F

    I think that Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets is totally awesome!! It`s a bit better than the first one as the actors are all much older. Draco Malfoy (Tom Felton) is so much cuter. Well, that`s what all of my friends and I think,hehe. But it rocks!! I gave it 5 stars!!!!!!!!! -Stephanie

  • Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets

    Friday, November 22, 2002 6:03:26 PM | (age group: 2-17) | F

    i think it was really really good and i`be seen it already liek 4 times !!!